Founding Councilors of Bangladesh Debating Council
Rashedul Hasan Stalin
President, East West
University Debating Club-EWUDC 2003 and 2004
Participated as a Debater to the World Universities Debating Championships 2004 and 2005 adjudicated in 2007 ( Chaired
3 rounds)
Team Leader, National Intervarsity Champion English Team 2004
Team Leader, National Intervarsity Champion Bangla Team 2003 and 2004
Coach Team Bangladesh, World
Schools Debating Championships 2006
Bangladesh Representative, World Schools Debating Council
Bangladesh Representative, World Universities Debating Council 2005 and in 2007
Proposed Chair, Asian Schools Debating Council-ASDC
Founding Councilor, Asian Universities Debating Council-AUDC
Participated as an Adjudicator to the Asian Universities Debating Championships 2005
Chief Adjudicator, Pre Worlds 2005 and 2006
Convener, 1st and 2nd EWU National Debating Championships 2003 and 2004
Vice Chair Debating and Adjudication
Azim Ahmed
President, Independent University Bangladesh
Debating Club-IUBDC
Participated as a Debater to the World Universities Debating Championships 2005 and 2006
Team Leader, National Intervarsity Champion English Team 2006
Deputy Bangladesh Representative, World Universities Debating Council 2006
Deputy Chief Adjudicator, Pre Worlds 2005 and 2006
Vice Chair Administration and Promotion
Nawrin Sultana
President, Jahangirnagar University
Debating Society-JUDS
Founder President, Debating Association- Pritilata Hall (DAPH)
Convener, DAPH- Crowm
Cement Inter Hall Debate Championship 2005
Press and Publication Secretary, Holy
Cross College Debating Club,
Convener, JUDS National Intervarsity Public Speaking Championships 2006
Breaking Adjudicator, Pre Worlds 2005 and 2006
General Secretary
Mohammed Saddam Hossain
President, Islamic University of Technology
Debating Society-IUTDS 2005
Participated as a Debater to the World Universities Debating Championships 2005
Team Leader, National Intervarsity Champion English Team 2005
Deputy Bangladesh Representative, World Universities Debating Council 2005
Participated as an Adjudicator to the Asian Universities Debating Championships 2005
Deputy Chief Adjudicator, Pre Worlds 2005 and 2006
Convener, 1st IUT National Debating Championships 2005
M M Ashiquar Rahmam
President, East West
University Debating Club-EWUDC 2005
Tournament Director, 2nd EWU National Debating Championships 2004
Breaking Adjudicator, Pre Worlds 2005 and 2006
Assistant General Secretary (Proposed) NDDC 2000
Adjudication Officer
Tanvir Ahmed Haroon
Vice President, Independent University Bangladesh
Debating Club-IUBDC
Participated as a Debater to the World Universities Debating Championships 2005 and 2006
Team Leader, National Intervarsity Champion English Team 2003 and 2006
Bangladesh Representative, World Universities Debating Council 2006
Deputy Chief Adjudicator, Pre Worlds 2005 and 2006
Equity Officer
General Secretary, BRACK University
Debating Club-BUDC 2004 and 2005
Team Leader, BRACK University
English and Bangla Team 2004 and 2005
Breaking Adjudicator, Pre Worlds 2005 and 2006
Public Relation Officer
Mabroor Wassey
President, Islamic University of Technology
Debating Society-IUTDS
Participated as a Debater to the World Universities Debating Championships 2005 and adjudicated in 2007
Team Member, National Intervarsity Champion English Team 2005
Breaking Adjudicator, Pre Worlds 2005 and 2006
Tournament Director, 1st IUT National Debating Championships 2005