1) Circumstances make the man 2) There are no more heroes 3)
We should forgive and forget 4) Money matters most 5) We should question authority 6) BDC Motions:
When in doubt, run 7) When in doubt, delay 8) Heroism is folly 9) This house would not fight
for queen and country 10) The cup runneth over 11) All the world is a stage 12) Looks are the key to success 13)
This house would rather watch 14) This house prefers chaos to order 15) BDC Motions: We have too much freedom 16)
He who hesitates is lost 17) One should always forgive one's enemies, but only after they have been hanged 18) There
is nothing that is really new 19) Good fences make good neighbours 20) Neither a borrower nor a lender be 21)
Every man has his price 22) This house would have peace at any price 23) We should never compromise on principles
24) Predictability is a mistake 25) BDC Motions: Nice guys finish last 26) This house would rather keep them guessing
27) Caution is the best policy 28) This house believes that if you want peace you must prepare for war 29) Convictions
are prisons 30) We get what we deserve 31) Nothing succeeds like success 32) BDC Motions: We should always get
even 33) Freedom is overrated (you can replace "freedom" with some other term) 34) This house would rather fight than
switch 35) Happiness is a full stomach 36) Honesty is the greatest virtue (you can replace "honesty" with some other
term) 37) We should seek commitment rather than freedom 38) Loyalty is folly 39) The world wants to be bullied
40) It is better to burn out than to rust 41) Progress is an illusion 42) Beauty is solely in the eye of the beholder
43) BDC Motions: We care too much 44) It is better to give than to receive 45) This house regrets civilization
46) Memory does more harm than good 47) This house should follow its instincts 48) This house would follow its
instincts 49) This house considers it better to win than to play by the rules 50) Money is the root of evil 51)
Honesty does more harm than good 52) We should go with the crowd 53) This house would have freedom before all else
54) We are the servants and not the masters of our machines 55) Might makes right 56) Right makes might 57)
We are too serious 58) BDC Motions: Revenge is sweet 59) It is better to live in a fool's paradise than to exist in
a wise man's hell 60) We should seek moderation in all things 61) There are no absolutes 62) Rank has too many
privileges 63) This house would not want to be in charge 64) BDC Motions: Boredom is the worst fate 65) This house
believes that money can buy happiness 66) We should go for the gusto 67) Personality is more important than ability
68) This house would kick the tires 69) Faith is folly 70) We should follow the law rather than our consciences
71) Our education is too narrow 72) Revolution is preferable to reform 73) This house would put security before
all else 74) Slow and steady wins the race 75) Pride goes before a fall 76) BDC Motions: Never admit defeat 77)
Bullies win 78) We should never worry 79) Ignorance is bliss 80) We want too much 81) BDC Motions: We have
too much 82) We know too much 83) We regret progress 84) We regret technology 85) The truth will set you free
86) We need more order 87) We need more rules 88) We need more freedom 89) Necessity can justify anything
90) BDC Motions: Where you stand depends entirely upon where you sit 91) We should always confuse the issue 92)
We should always play by the rules 93) We should always put the rights of the individual before those of society 94)
A new broom sweeps best 95) Those who do not complain do not gain 96) BDC Motions: No pain, no gain 97) Dreams
are as important as actions 98) Extremism is always a vice 99) Avoid principles 100) When the Gods wish to punish
us, they answer our prayers 101) The virtues of society are the vices of a saint 102) Never trust the sociable 103)
It is a luxury to be understood 104) It is better to know everybody than everything 105) Where there is smoke there
is fire 106) The pen is mightier than the sword 107) Extremism in defence of liberty is no vice 108) BDC Motions:
Never hesitate 109) Better a live coward than a dead hero 110) Compromise is best 111) Glory is not worth the
price 112) We should never give a sucker an even break 113) It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven
114) We should not ask questions 115) No good can come from bad 116) We would rather not know 117) It is better
to live in chains than to be free 118) The ordinary man has no future 119) This house prefers revolution to evolution
120) This house regrets nationalism 121) This house would choose stability over progress 122) A man in armour
is the armour's slave 123) Fear is the best peacemaker 124) BDC Motions: An empty barrel makes the most noise 125)
This house prefers emotion to reason 126) We should decide with our hearts, not with our heads 127) We decide with
our hearts, not with our heads 128) BDC Motions: We should slow down 129) If you give them an inch, they will take
a mile 130) Society is irrational 131) Nothing of real value can be learned 132) This house regrets ambition 133)
The duller, the better 134) We have all of the answers, it's the will that we lack 135) The more we have, the more
we want 136) The best way out is through 137) What we require is easy, the problem is getting the superfluous 138)
We are never satisfied 139) We should never be satisfied 140) It would not be better if things happened to men just
as they wish 141) To great evils we submit - it is little provocations that we resent 142) The world would be better
off without symbols 143) BDC Motions: Anger is a virtue 144) The individual has no effect on the world 145) Everything
is relative 146) We prefer pragmatism to principle 146) We should prefer pragmatism to principle 148) We concentrate
on the trivial 149) As goes America, so goes the world 150) BDC Motions: One is vain by nature, modest by necessity
151) There is nothing worse than a bad reputation 152) We are what we think that we are 153) If we look after
the little things, the big things will take care of themselves 154) History is determined by trends, not individuals 155)
It is better to have a full heart than a full stomach 156) We would rather be right than successful 157) We would
rather do the successful thing than do the right thing 158) Our lives proceed more by accident than by design 159)
The future is out of our control 160) Character is the key to success 161) Our goals should always exceed our abilities
162) BDC Motions: In politics, secrecy is best 163) Sisyphus was basically a happy man 164) The great are only
great because we are on our knees 165) Every hero becomes a bore at last 166) History is a nightmare from which we
are struggling to awake 167) History is the biography of great men 168) To travel hopefully is better than to arrive
169) It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly 170) A humanitarian is always a hypocrite 171) BDC Motions:
Charity is a mistake 172) Nothing can resist an idea whose time has come 173) There is nothing stronger than ideas
174) This house would choose death before dishonour 175) This house would let the public be damned 176) Two heads
are better than one 177) Fashion is a despot whom the wise ridicule and obey 178) BDC Motions: If you wish to win
a man's heart, allow him to win. 179) Good swimmers are the most likely to be drowned 180) There is nothing so habit-forming
as money 181) There is nothing as addictive as power 182) Power corrupts 183) Law exists just to serve wealth
184) We should adopt the policy from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs 185) We should
lead from behind 186) America is a country that does not know where it is going, but is determined to set a speed record
getting there 187) BDC Motions: America is the most dangerous country on earth 188) The business of America is business
189) The business of Canada is business 190) Man is what he believes 191) This house would support censorship
192) Intelligence is over-rated 193) Books are the curse of the human race 194) There is nothing permanent except
change 195) BDC Motions: Character is destiny 196) As the twig is bent the tree inclines 197) This house would
rather live in cities 198) We should be citizens of the world rather than of nations 199) Cynicism is more deadly
than war 200) It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees 201) The best goals are those that are unattainable
202) We are fools for false notions, boldly stated 203) This house should ignore public opinion 204) The public
well being requires that men should betray, lie and massacre 205) The public well being requires hypocrisy 206) BDC
Motions: Good government requires hypocrisy 207) All rising to a great place is by a winding stair 208) Nations have
neither friends nor enemies, only interests 209) Government does enough for us when it does not harm us 210) It is
more damaging to say foolish things than to do them 211) It is more shameful to mistrust one's friends than to be deceived
by them 212) The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing 213) We are more often liked for our defects than
for our qualities 214) There is more difference within the sexes than between them 215) Love is a kind of warfare
216) Habit is everything 217) When a man forgets his ideals he may find happiness, but not until then 218) This
house is worried about the fire next door 219) It is not enough to do good; one must do it in the right way 220) BDC
Motions: The means are at least as important as the ends 221) Excess is the key to success 222) Virtue needs limits
223) Fidelity to large truths often requires betraying smaller ones 224) Fidelity to large principles often requires
betraying smaller ones 225) The path of duty lies in what is near and man seeks for it in what is remote 226) We as
often repent the good we have done as the bad 227) Much will have more 228) BDC Motions: Desire is the very essence
of man 229) Students learn from their peers, not from the teacher 230) It is better to overreact than to underreact
231) This house believes that we should work less 232) This house regrets the passing of the dodo 233) This house
believes that formal education is overrated 234) This house believes that the truth should never be concealed 235)
This house believes that criminals deserve our sympathy 236) This house believes that materialism matters most 237)
This house believes that all work and no play makes Jack a winner 238) This house believes that religion does more harm
than good 239) This house believes that the classless society is a dangerous pipe dream 240) This house believes that
travel no longer broadens the mind 241) This house believes that Rambo should be our role model 241) This house believes
that Rambo is our role model 242) BDC Motions: This house would always look after number one 243) This house would
give up 244) It is more difficult to be an honourable man for a week than a hero for 15 minutes 245) Timing is everything
246) The centre cannot hold 247) That which does not kill us makes us stronger 248) BDC Motions: It is better
to ask forgiveness after the event rather than to ask permission beforehand 249) This house believes that civilization
has failed 250) This house believes that civilization is a fraud 251) This house would ban blood sports 252) This
house believes that it is better for a leader to be feared than loved 253) This house believes that money is corrupting
sport 254) This house believes that though the people should support the government, the government should not support
the people 255) This house believes that the greatest virtues are only splendid sins 256) War can never bring peace
257) Tradition is more a liberator than a jailer 258) We are our brother's keepers 259) Society needs more rebellion
and less conformity 260) BDC Motions: Planning to be second best is the best strategy for survival 261) The best way
to gather is to scatter 262) Those who are only just are cruel 263) We should accept inequality 264) Where the
press is safe, all are safe 265) Liberty has restraints but no frontiers 266) A map of the world that does not include
utopia is not worth looking at 267) White lies are the best ushers to black ones 268) God is on the side of the big
battalions 269) The fire of anger that you kindle for your enemy more often burns you than him 270) It is better for
ambition to creep than to soar 271) Luck is more important than skill 272) Liberalism has gone too far 273) Procrastination
is a virtue 274) We do not deserve our fate 275) Memory is our worst enemy 276) This house would rather not succeed
277) This house prefers the law of the jungle 278) BDC Motions: Chivalry is dead 279) This house is glad that
chivalry is dead 280) This house prefers the good old days 281) This house would boldly go where no one has gone before
282) BDC Motions: Appetite comes with eating 283) When in doubt, do nothing 284) This house expects a storm 285)
The system has failed 286) What is wrong with America can be fixed by what is right with America 287) What is wrong
with Canada can be fixed by what is right with Canada 288) This house believes in magic 289) Resistance is futile
290) This house prefers brawn to brain 291) This house believes in stereotypes 292) BDC Motions: Science has the
answer to world problems 293) There is a case for terrorism 294) Democracy is the answer 295) Change is good 296)
This house would rather switch than fight 297) The US is more of a villain than a hero 297) The Western world is more
of a villain than a hero 298) We have failed 299) BDC Motions: It is all an illusion 300) All that we really need
to know, we learned in kindergarten 301) The important answers are all simple ones 302) Simplicity is the answer 303)
We are in the eye of the hurricane 304) We need to let go 307) It's safer in the dark 308) Don't worry, be happy
309) We must go faster 310) We should stick to basics 311) This house has no soul 312) The glass is half empty,
not half full 313) We have gone too far 314) Mercy is a mistake 315) The dream is dead 317) BDC Motions: Patience
is a mistake 318) Winning is everything 319) This house is whistling in the dark 320) This house should have faith
321) This house has not yet begun to fight 322) This house would rally around the flag 323) This house cannot
see the forest for the trees 324) We should sleep soundly 325) This house has faith 326) This house believes that
the right to vote is more important than the right to eat 327) This house believes that apathy is the root of evil 328)
This house believes that censorship is against the public interest 329) This house would rather be beautiful than intelligent
330) We should mind our own business 331) We are going backwards 332) BDC Motions: Wealth wins 333) These
are the best of times 334) Entertainment corrupts 335) Entertainment is the downfall of society 336) Society needs
more conformity and less rebellion 337) BDC Motions: This house believes that the shorter our memory, the better 338)
Democracy is a farce 339) This house believes that these are the best of times 340) Food first, then ethics 341)
This house worships false idols 342) Imagination is more important than knowledge 343) BDC Motions: We are too cynical
344) It is not the insurrections of ignorance that are dangerous, but the results of intelligence 345) We are too
intolerant 346) We are too merciful 347) We are too critical 348) Technology has outstripped morality 349)
Feminism is corrupting the family 350) Tourists are a global menace 351) We should not interfere in other people’s
wars 352) Tradition is holding us back 353) This house prefers lightning to thunder 354) Social injustice justifies
violent action 355) BDC Motions: Feminism is folly 356) This house values loyalty too highly 357) This house values
victory above all else 358) It doesn't get better than this 359) We know not what we do 360) There is no way out
361) We have no real choices 362) Ambition is folly 363) The older, the better 364) BDC Motions: We are being
fools 365) This house should be less worried about the means and more worried about the ends 366) We are being fooled
367) We need more confidence 368) The best plan is to rely on the folly of others 369) You will be safest in the
middle 370) Patience is the best remedy for trouble 371) A great fortune is a great slavery 372) We should be
more pragmatic 373) We think too much 374) We are too concerned with the big picture 375) An oppressive government
is better than no government 376) We have the all of the advantages 377) This house practices what it preaches 378)
BDC Motions: We should be more grateful 379) This house aims too high 380) This house sees only what it wants to see
381) This house prefers fame to fortune 382) This house prefers style to substance 383) We should turn back 384)
This house has too much knowledge and too little wisdom 385) This house does not learn from its mistakes 386) This
house would turn back the clock 387) We have sold out 388) This house has hit the wall 389) This house believes
that more is better 390) This house goes too far 391) BDC Motions: We will win in the end 392) Cowards win 393)
Truth varies 394) Our lives are shaped primarily by fear 395) The needs of the community should take precedence over
the rights of the individual 396) The cause of America is the cause of all mankind 397) Change is the only constant
398) This house believes that poverty is the mother of crime 399) This house believes that the permissive society
has gone too far 400) BDC Motions: Telling the truth is a bad habit 401) Schooling stifles individuality 402)
This house believes that the profit motive is the best motive 403) This house believes that we are prisoners of a materialistic
society 404) Hedonism is the national religion 405) BDC Motions: Feminism has failed society 406) Censorship should
be left to the individual 407) Order is more important than justice 408) Morality is an anachronism 409) We should
welcome conflict 410) TV families set a good example 411) It is better to be a bully than a wimp 412) The information
superhighway is a road to nowhere 413) Courtesy is out of date 414) Education is wasted on the young 415) Today's
role models aren't 416) BDC Motions: Romanticism is for wimps 417) This house prefers big government to lower taxes
418) We buy the sizzle not the steak 419) Life is too convenient 420) We are judged by the content of our characters
421) Rule by the masses is preferable to rule by the elite 422) To rule by fear is to rule completely 423) Competition
is superior to cooperation in the achievement of excellence 424) The government that governs least governs best 425)
Global concerns ought to be valued above conflicting national concerns 426) The rights of the individual infringe unreasonably
on the rights of society 427) National boundaries are out of date 428) This house looks forward to the 21st century
429) This house prefers style to comfort1) We need more sheepdogs 430) Pink elephants have nasty tempers 431)
Bangladesh is a truck, not a sportscar 432) BDC Motions: Diamonds are a girl's best friend 432) Shamrocks should be
crushed 433) We need greener lawns 434) Winter is better than you think 435) We should all be cowboys 436)
TV is everything 437) This house would dance with the devil in the pale moonlight 438) TV commercials are right 439)
Slow and steady wins the race, but doesn't enjoy it as much 440) Clocks are great 441) Mice are nice 442) Santa
Claus is a communist plot 443) Darth Vader had the right idea 444) Ketchup is essential 445) Never believe us
446) The mouse should be our national symbol (you may substitute some other animal) 447) BDC Motions: Red is rotten
448) The mirror is mankind's worst invention 449) We all want to be cowboys 450) Life is a highway 451) Violence
is the answer 452) With the lights out, it's less dangerous 453) All that we ever really needed to know, we learned
in kindergarten 454) BDC Motions: We are eggshells 455) Elvis lives 456) This house would rather be a tortoise
than a hare 457) This house would keep its powder dry 459) This house has no taste 460) We would rather be Vulcans
461) We would rather be Klingons 462) This house believes everything that it reads 463) The National Enquirer
is right 464) No one ever went broke underestimating the public 465) This house would sell snake oil 466) There's
gold in them thar hills 467) We would accept the Trojan Horse 468) It's not over until the fat lady sings 469)
The colder, the better 470) We should keep moving 471) BDC Motions: Tomorrow never comes 472) This house prefers
sunset to sunrise 473) Quantity is better than quality 474) We should not ask for whom the bell tolls 475) This
house would bury its head in the sand 476) We would rather be a trumpet than a violin 477) This house would nuke the
whales 478) This house is casting pearls before swine 479) BDC Motions: Life is a video game 480) This house is
a parrot, not an eagle 481) The eagle may soar but the beaver doesn't get sucked into the jet engine 482) We should
pass the pepper 483) It's not the morality, it's how much you can bear 484) This house would order pizza 485)
It's not the heat, it's the humidity 486) It's lonely out there 487) It is never our fault 488) This doesn't look
like Kansas anymore, Toto 489) We just can't win 490) This house prefers a bath to a shower 491) We would rather
be a snail than a tiger 492) Don't trust anyone over 30 493) This house would rather not grow up 494) The X-Files
are right 495) Life is like the Simpsons 496) BDC Motions: Height makes right 497) This house prefers a rose garden
to a vegetable garden 498) BDC Motions: We should close the border 499) He that shuns trifles must shun the world
500) The finest amusements are the most pointless ones 501) Halloween should be banned 502) Men are but children
of a larger growth 503) Each man must watch out for his own arrow 504) We have made the wrong choice 505) This
house is wearing blinders 506) We should turn up the volume 507) This house believes that it is too late 508)
This house prefers a hiss to a roar 509) BDC Motions: This house is more like Hamlet than Hercules 510) We should
all be devils 511) This house would just say no 512) Speed kills 513) Living is like licking honey off of a thorn
514) At first we hope too much, later on, not enough 515) This house would make haste slowly 516) Life is one
long process of getting tired 517) Good locks are the key to success 518) It is too hot 519) This house would
ban the computer 520) This house prefers night to day 521) The later, the better 522) BDC Motions: This house
is a nail not a hammer 523) We are all vampires 524) It is getting hotter 525) We would rather be a sword than
a shield 526) If you live with a lame man, you will learn to limp 527) This house would rather be a pauper than a
prince 528) This house would rather cry over spilt milk than clean it up 529) This house would rather be the coyote
than the roadrunner 530) Gossip is good 531) This house prefers a whisper to a yell 532) There is no life after
graduation 533) BDC Motions: This house is a sprinter rather than a marathon runner 534) This house would choose the
dark side 535) This house would fight the power 536) This house would leave the Garden of Eden 537) There are
too many of them 538) There are rocks ahead 539) Love is the greatest trap 540) This house is a spider, not a
fly 541) We are heading over the cliff 542) It's a long way down 543) Easy come, easy go 544) Better dead
than red 545) The machines are in charge 546) This house should start over 547) This house would rather be the
hunted than the hunter 548) The eagle is dying 549) Life was better before TV 550) This house believes that you
are better dead than wed 551) BDC Motions: The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 552) We should
let the animals out of the zoo28) We live in Oz 553) Life is like football (you may substitute some other sport) 554)
Life is a cabaret 555) Scrooge was right 556) Never let them see you sweat 557) This house will have its cake
and eat it too 558) This house prefers the sounds of silence 559) We can't get no satisfaction 560) Nostalgia
is not what it used to be 561) Anything fits a naked man 562) Good memories are lost jewels 563) If we set a devil
on horseback, he will ride to the devil 564) God does play dice 565) BDC Motions: A bad excuse is better than none
566) The half is better than the whole 567) We should set a thief to catch a thief 568) The train is running out
of coal 569) The gloves are finally off 570) The square root is the best route 571) It is time to cut bait 572)
The dream is still alive 573) We don't need no education 574) BDC Motions: To the victor go the toils 575) We
are out of room 576) This house would charge the guns 577) This house would damn the torpedoes and go full speed ahead
578) Hell has frozen over