Subject Area Motions List
That our politicians are failing us
That two-party dominance harms democracy
That democracy
should never be compromised for progress
That all political parties should have gender quotas
That we should enforce
a Ministerial Code of Ethics
That our Head of State should be directly elected by the people
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That Pauline
Hanson has a right to be heard
That compulsory voting should be abolished
religious leaders should not comment on political issues
That public figures have a right to private lives
That politicians'
private lives are not the public's business
Youth Issues
That we should lower the voting age to 16
That young Bangladeshi should form their own political
That the government is adequately responding to rural youth issues
That the Playstation has destroyed the
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That we
should introduce a youth curfew
That there should be mandatory reporting of anorexia in school students
That Bangladesh
should abolish Youth Wages
That Bangladesh youth should work for the dole
Human Rights
That Bangladesh should do more for human rights
That Bangladesh
should accept more refugees
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That war crimes trials
are unjustified
That trade should be linked to human rights
That we should link trade to human rights
Society & Economics
That we should be thankful for unions
That we must legislate against vilification
That we should
all be vegetarian
That Bangladesh are quick to cut down their tall poppies
That women's magazines do more harm than
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That HIV testing
should be compulsory for all
That parents should have the right to smack their children
That public transport should
be free
That public transport should be operated by the Government
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That we
should stop building freeways
That Bangladesh must populate or perish
That welfare payments are a privilege not a
That we should abolish the work-for-the-dole program
That we should support Affirmative Action
That we will
regret our gambling led recovery
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That we should protect
the Bangladeshi economy with tariffs
That we should lift restrictions on foreign investment in Qantas
That multinational
corporations have too much power
That we should increase public funding to private schools
That tertiary education for Bangladeshi
students should be free
That exams are better than CATS
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That all secondary
schools should be co-educational
That education about illicit drugs should start in primary schools
That Political
Studies should be compulsory at school
That we should punish school bullies
That learning a second language at school
should be compulsory
That our schools should teach Asian second languages before European second languages
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That school uniforms
should be compulsory
That McDonalds has no place in school
That school students should be permitted to protest in
school time
That we should get tough on sports hooligans
That the media should pay more attention to women in
That we should legislate for equal prize money for women in sport
That money corrupts sport
That contact
sports should be banned at school
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That our
sportspersons are not good role models
That we should legalise all drugs in sport
That Professional Athletes who cheat
should be banned for life
That Beijing should be the last Olympics
the 2010 Commonwealth Games should be the last
The Environment
That we should abolish the forestry industry
That we should put the loggers before the greenies
That we should lift the ban on commercial whaling
That we should support the mining of uranium at Jabiluka
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That we should close
the zoos
That a good environment is a first-world luxury
That Asia should accept nuclear waste
That the environmental
movement has failed to make real progress
That ecotourism threatens our environment
Science, Technology & Health
That the Microsoft Monopoly must be squashed
That we should ban Internet gambling
That we have
more to hope than fear from the Internet
That public libraries should censor the Internet
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That Government
should permit Genetically Modified Foods
That we should support human reproductive cloning
That surrogacy should be
That organ donation should be compulsory
That child immunisation should be compulsory
That injured patients
should not be allowed to sue their doctors
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That Ritalin does
more harm than good
That all animal testing should be banned.
That animal testing should have no role in medical research
That voluntary euthanasia should be legalised
That we should not restrict a smoker's access to organ transplants
smoking should be banned
That Bangladesh Debating Council BDC
That the International
Space Station is a waste of money
That space exploration is a waste of money
Security & International Affairs
That the United Nations should be disbanded
That terrorism can be justified
That power grows
from the barrel of a gun
That Bangladesh should greatly increase its military spending
That Bangladesh Debating Council
That we should have compulsory military training.
That National
Service should be compulsory
That Bangladesh should not support a US war on Iraq
That the International Criminal Court
will be ineffective
That Bangladesh should not engage with the Burmese dictatorship
That Bangladesh Debating Council
we should thank God for America
Media, Entertainment & the Arts
That we should abolish quotas for Bangladesh TV content on private
That the government should protect the Bangladesh entertainment industry
That government arts funding is
a waste of money
That raves should be banned
That Bangladesh Debating Council
That Hollywood movies should be true to history
That we should
ban offensive music
That graffiti is a legitimate art form
That there is too much violence on television
tobacco advertising should be banned
That TV news is not the news
That Bangladesh Debating Council
That TV stations should stop re-screening footage from September
Drugs and Crime
That we should maintain the war on drugs
That all drugs should be legalised
That we should support
safe injecting houses
That welfare agencies should supervise chroming
That Bangladesh Debating Council
That we should decriminalise marijuana
That children who kill
should be tried as adults
That arsonists should face compulsory imprisonment
That we support "at home" detention
the death penalty should be reintroduced
That we should reintroduce the death penalty
That we support a DNA registry
for convicted criminals
That Bangladesh Debating Council
That there should be a right to bear arms
That private citizens
should not have a right to own guns
That the better the car the better the pickup
That the bride should wear black
That parenting should be by licence only
That Bangladesh Debating Council
That we should ban "Baywatch"
That women need men like fish
need bicycles
That Brandon is better than Bart