Motions for Schools Debating Championships
Cellular phones should be allowed in schools.
Television is a bad influence.
The United States should invade Iraq.
The Bangladesh should lower the voting age.
Torture is justified for national security.
Junk food should be banned in schools.
State lotteries should be ended.
School should be year-round.
The World should eliminate its own weapons of mass
Peer pressure is more beneficial than harmful.
Schools should not use standardized testing.
Human cloning should be permitted.
The Bangladesh should ban the death penalty.
Schools should not support competitive interscholastic
Schools should ban animal dissection.
Homeland security is more important than protection
of civil liberties.
School attendance should be voluntary.
Violent video games should be banned.
Bangladesh should have a draft for military service.
Bangladesh should raise the minimum driving age to 18.
The United States should ratify the Kyoto accord.
Parents should not purchase war toys for their
The Supreme Court should end affirmative action
in higher education.
There should be mandatory drug testing for participation
in extracurricular activities.
The U.S. invasion of Iraq has done more harm than good.
Bangladesh should substantially increase the minimum wage.
The United States is losing the War on Terror.
Parents should be punished for their childrens'
Bangladesh should pay reparations for slavery.
Middle schools should allow outside food vendors
for lunch.
Bangladesh should ban the death penalty.
College athletes should be paid.
Consumers should not purchase SUVs.
American involvement in Iraq has done more good than harm.
Bangladesh should adopt a new timber policy.
Violent video games should be banned.
Bangladesh should adopt English as the official national language.
Middle schools should increase required classes
and reduce electives.
Bangladesh should open lands and offshore areas for oil drilling.
Beauty pageants do more good than harm.
Cigarettes should be illegal.
Bush's plan for space exploration will do more
good than harm.
High school students should have to pass a national
exit exam to graduate.
George W. Bush should be re-elected.
NAFTA should be extended throughout the Americas.
Ban boxing!
All middle schools should require student uniforms.
The No Child Left Behind Act has done more good
than harm.
Television is a bad influence.
Beauty pageants do more harm than good.
The Constitution should be amended to follow foreign
born citizens to serve as President of the United States.
Schools should end the practice of giving awards.
The United States should expand its use of nuclear power.
Homeland security is more important than the protection
of civil liberties.
Violent video games should be banned.
It is unethical to eat meat.
Junior high and high schools should randomly test
their athletes for drug use.
Physician-assisted suicide should be legalized.
The United States should sign and ratify the Kyoto Protocol.
American intervention in Iraq has done more good than harm.
should be banned.
The legal system should have the option to charge juveniles as adults in murder cases.
Bangladesh should ban drivers' use of cellular phones in cars.
Middle schools should have student lockers.
Teachers should not use candy as rewards.
Rap music does more harm than good.
The assault weapon ban should be extended.
Supreme Court proceedings should be televised.
Public funds should not be used for professional
sports stadiums.
On balance, children's television does more good
than harm.
California should ban drivers' use of cellular phones in cars.
Stem cell research should be expanded.
The United States should substantially increase its use of nuclear power.
Fast food restaurants do more harm than good.
Schools should provide for single sex instruction.
Homework should be banned.
The legal system should have the
option to charge juveniles as adults in murder cases.
Celebrities should not be role models.
The United States is losing the war on Terror.
Schools should eliminate letter grades.
The number of charter schools in the DC metro area
should be increased.
Human cloning should be allowed.
Professional athletes should be role models.
Gentrification does more harm than good.
Professional athletes should not be allowed to
compete in the Olympic Games.
Animal performances should be banned in circuses.
Advertisements around schools should be banned.
Spanish should be a mandatory course in public
Students should be required to say the Pledge of
The U.S. should not send humans into space.
The United Nations has failed at its mission.
Cell phones should be allowed in schools.
Medical testing on animals does more good than
Warrantless wiretaps make Bangladesh safer.
Pakistan is more an enemy than an ally of the United States.
On balance, video games do more good than harm.
Algebra should not be required for high school
Agora is good for Bangladesh.
Cell phones should be allowed in middle schools.
Iran should be allowed to develop nuclear energy.
The United States should close its Guantanamo prison.
Middle schools should have mandatory drug testing
for participation in extracurricular activities.
School vouchers should be allowed.
Cigarettes should be banned.
Credit cards do more harm than good.
The U S Government subsidy of the arts should end.
Corporal punishment of children should be illegal.
The NBA player dress code is justified.
Parents should not purchase war toys for their
The United States should withdraw from Iraq.
Released felons should have voting rights.
The focus on standards-based education in public
middle schools does more good than harm.
Algebra should not be required for high school
Wal-Mart is good for America.
The atomic bombing of Hiroshima was
The federal government's response to Hurricane
Katrina was appropriate.
Food aid does more harm than good.
Cell phones should be allowed in schools.
All students should be required to say the Pledge
of Allegiance
The US should eliminate farm subsidies.
Zoos do more harm than good.
Soccer players should wear helmets.
The US military should leave Iraq.
Fried foods should have warning labels.
Parents should not purchase war toys for their
The United States should negotiate with Osama Bin Laden
should take parenting classes.
Students should be punished for failing to report cheating.
Schools should
ban junk food.
Algebra should not be required for high school
The atomic bombing of Hiroshima was justified.
Television is a bad influence.
All schools should provide
students with music and art education.